The specific objective of the SMART GENERATION project is to develop an innovative training model at European level in order to promote a conscious use of the smartphone, its potential and its risks, and to open a public debate on the role of digital technologies in the consprocess of the quality of social relationships between young people and between generations.
SMART GENERATION project is based on Media Education as innovative methodology of reflection on new media, supporting processes of citizenship in the knowledge society, promoting courses that see the media at the same time as the instrument and the educational content.
In particular, the project will:
• Investigate the European youth universe and the methods of communication with smartphones, as well as cultural differences in their use at the European level, given the convergence of various communication technologies - Internet, TV and Radio - on newer phones.
• Develop, test and transfer to different European countries - by cultural and technological background - an educational model
related to digital, communicational, relationships, social and civic skills thanks to the networking of experiences and best practices useful to produce effective tools, truly innovative and transferable to a wide European audience.
• propose and encourage positive and responsible use of smartphones by providing young people with the tools necessary to decipher consciously the enormous amount of data and multi-sensory stress that pass through the mobile phone;
• help young people living in Europe to develop critical thinking, digital citizenship, life and work skills - communicational, relational, digital, social and civic, continuous learning - or educate them to properly and constructively "live" these tools as aware producers and distributors of information and reports, building up together with them an effective path to literacy;
• spread a culture of collaborative learning between schools and extra -schools through cooperation between youth and educational organizations, school and extra-curricular.