The partnership is made up of European organizations with characteristics and skills complement and reinforce each other; they have started a path of active cooperation and collaboration, developing synergies and sharing visions and objectives, commitments and tasks, skills and resources.
Centro culturale Francesco Luigi Ferrari (Modena – IT)- LEADING PARTNER
It was established in 1978 in Modena as an expression and instrument of study and analysis of the culture, politics and society of the city of Modena. The centre is dedicated to Francesco Ferrari, one of the most significant democratic and antifascist figure of the Italian history. The main objectives pursued by the Centre are: the promotion of the participation of its members in the local, regional and national levels life by implementing in particular the study of the economic, political, social and cultural rights; organizing meetings and training courses aimed also to specific social and professional groups, especially young people; conducting studies and social research to deepen knowledge of the area; the publication of books and magazines on topics economic, political, social and cultural rights. In particular with In-ForMedia Project offers to schools and youth associations cycles training of education and critical interpretation, understanding and creation of communication tools and promotes the dissemination of the values of respect for people, coexistence, solidarity, peace and democracy that underlie of a pluralistic society. In addition, it realizes: laboratories of journalism and media education in schools of all levels; training courses for teachers; laboratories of Media Education also in school areas: cultural centres, associations, libraries, churches; quantitative and qualitative analyzes about the image of children and young people on the local and national press. With SMART GENERATION project, the Centre intends to expand the education to the media to include also non-formal education and beyond national borders, with a view to setting up an international partnership concerned to implement and apply the principles and methodology of Media Education.
Solidarci (Caserta– IT) is an association that operates in the fields of culture, social, solidarity, human rights, active citizenship, education and the key skills over the course of life ("life-skills"), language (L2, expression workshops, creative writing, theater, etc.), audiovisual communication and on / with ICT. The recipients are: children and young people at risk of social exclusion, immigrants, the disabled, social and educational levels with critical and problematic family situations, parents and teachers of schools in the Caserta. The Association has ten years experience in the management of European educational projects with innovative methods of formal education and non-formal education and training programs implemented in different European countries that will be of great value to SMART GENERATION project. Finally, having a key to the training needs of two territories of the same Country with demographic, social, educational and economic radically different is an added value.
Fundacion Cibervoluntarios (Madrid - Spain) collaborated with the Ferrari Centre in drafting two projects under the program "Europe for Citizens". The mission of this organization is to use new technologies as a tool for social innovation and empowerment of citizens, thereby alleviating the social gaps and increasing the rights and capabilities. For this reason, it is a strong synergy with the activities and objectives that arises the In-Formedia Centre. In recognition of what he is doing throughout the Iberian, the Foundation has received a prestigious award from google.org as one of the 50 organizations that are changing the world.
We think that this partnership will contribute significantly to the project SMART GENERATION thanks to the contribution it can provide in ICT, e-skills, e-inclusion, social innovation.
Ligzda (Latvia) Youth organization “Ligzda” has been registered on January 2014. It has 10 active members aged from 13 to 23, and other young members who help to develop management and training skills for youth. The organization main goals are: develop a space where young people can develop their targets; encourage youth initiatives and participation in decision-making and public life; provide young people with the opportunity to acquire non-formal education skills, knowledge and competence; attract and organize population, including young volunteers, help young disadvantaged people and their families through the organization’s activities. So far, Ligzda has provided workshops, trainings, orientation service, sport games and also informed society about possibility of taking part in non-formal trainings.
Rural Women National Association (Romania) active since 1997 is well present throughout the national territory and is targeting women, young people, older people from different cultural and geographical contexts. Its main mission is to ensure equal opportunities, recognizing the important role of women in the local community and therefore promotes the social and economic integration through training sessions, seminars, the establishment and operation of a real Secondary School specializing on issues of new technologies, environmental protection and tourism. Thanks to its strong presence both nationally, regional this partners can ensure a wide dissemination and promotion of the activities and the involvement of direct and indirect control of a significant range of people
EAEA (European Association for the Education of Adults - Belgium) represents the informal and non-formal adult education in Europe. It’s a non-profit association with 126 members in 42 countries. EAEA promotes the social inclusion aspects of the EU 2020 strategy; it promotes adult learning and the widening of access and participation in formal education and non-formal adult education for all, especially for underrepresented groups. In this project the network EAEA ensure its know-how and continuous dissemination through their website multi-active, the exchange of good practices on Media Education for young people and peer education at European level, involving a large pool of trainers, teachers and educators. Then facilitate youth involvement in project activities and through its partner network will be active in the process of follow-up.