Smart Generation is the Cultural Centre F.L. Ferrari project about new means of communications co-financed by the European Programme Erasmus Plus.
The smartphone is the personal media that has become more widespread among children in the last decade and it has become overwhelmingly a part of their lives, and as a symbolic element characterizing their culture, which is often perceived as essential,. However, the use of the smartphone without adequate precautions exposes children to various risks. In fact, it can produce adverse effects on mental and physical health (risk tumors, ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder); endanger the personal safety (in the case of cyberbullying, the online micro-violence, public humiliation on social networks); induce compulsive behaviors (in the case of Nomophobia - No-MobilePhone which can be considered a true modern form of addiction).
The project includes several activities: an analysis of the training needs of young people and teachers / educators about the smartphone, the planning of a training program on the conscious and critical use of the smartphone, the testing of the pilot path through workshops of Media Education in schools and in environments outside the classroom, the production of Recommandations Policy on the use of smartphones, the creation of a e-learning platform opensource and dissemination of these instruments through 2 multipliers events.
The expected results are: to build an integrated package of digital literacy, increasing the supply of learning in the field of Media Education, create strategic local alliances between formal and non-formal education, raise awareness of the potential and limitations of the smartphone.